Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Best Friends

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  Tis the season to be thankful!  Today I am so thankful that these two little buddies are such good friends.  They need each other!  In a world where they will constantly be different from their peers, I am so happy that they will have each other.  Of course I will be there for them too, but it's comforting to know that they will have a buddy that they can actually empathize with.
Riding the metro!

Grocery shopping!

At a birthday party
 Don't get me wrong, they fight like cats and dogs.  Ezra is very sensitive to sound and he often doesn't like the little non-word noises that Asher makes.  Asher isn't great at sharing yet (we're working on it) and he is constantly taking things from Ezra.  Constantly!  He wants to be just like his older brother.  These are just two small examples, but they fight like regular brothers fight.
I caught them holding hands!  Sweetest moment ever!

At George Washington's Mount Vernon.  Their favorite part is the miniature model of the house in the visitor center.

They love going for bike rides!
 On the flip side, they are the sweetest kids to each other.  I know that they love each other.  Ezra is such a loving older brother who is always concerned for Asher's safety.  We go to therapy a few times a week and we usually take the elevator up to the office.  Ezra gets so concerned if Asher is too close to the elevator door.  It's actually really funny and I usually have to explain to the other passengers in the elevator why Ezra is freaking out.  When we wait for the bus in the morning Ezra gets concerned if Asher steps a foot on the street.  He will look at me and then says: "Asher, c'mon!" to get Asher to step back onto the sidewalk.  It's honestly quite adorable, even though it is a little bit mother hen of him. :-)  Then Asher always gives things to Ezra when he is crying or having a tantrum.  He will hand him a bag of goldfish or one of his small cars.  I know they love each other even if they show it in a different way.
Snuggling and watching a quick show before bed.

Playing catch at the pool together.
 So today I am so grateful for these two boys.  Thankful that they have each other and thankful that I have the privilege of being their mama.
Sharing some iPad time together!

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