We have some great pumpkin patches and farms in the area that we live in. We also have great fall foliage that turns such beautiful colors! This place is gorgeous in the fall. The pumpkin patches and farms can get quite busy around this time of year. We try and make adjustments where we can so that the boys can still participate and see the fall festivities, but also not be too overstimulated.
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Ez & Ash Fall 2013 |
The middle of the week is not as crowded. Ezra and Asher don't do well with large crowds. Especially Ezra. He will get too overstimulated and it will cause something like a not nice tantrum or him running away and endangering himself. So we always try to go on a day that isn't busy (and a positive side- there are no lines and the admission is cheaper!!).
Cox Farms is our favorite. They have slides, farm animals, hay rides, and all of the apple cider and apples that you can eat for free.
We first visited the goat farm. Asher really likes animals. He has always been so interested in them. I've read numerous stories and studies that state that animals are so beneficial for children with autism. They help children display more social behaviors; smiling, looking at faces, etc. Animals can also help in comforting a child with ASD and in teaching empathy. I think this is totally true for Asher. He lights up when he sees animals. He signs more and makes more verbal sounds around animals.
But Ezra? Yeah, Ezra hates animals. He is terrified of them. He always has been. Ezra is very sensitive to sounds and he really hates animals sounds. Not only does he hate the actual sound an animal will make, but if I make an animal sound like 'moo moo' or 'woof woof' he does not like that either. He will cover his ears and move his hands over his ears very fast like he is trying to wipe gunk off of them. When he watches a movie or plays on the iPad I always mute them. He doesn't like sound at all. There might be other reasons why he doesn't like animals, but the most obvious reasons is because of the sounds they make. Maybe we should get this kid a dog? ;-)
It looks like we are torturing the poor kid! |
Finally petting the goat! |
You can also see that Asher decided to use the goat walkway like a slide. The kid loves slides but it definitely made for very dirty jeans!
Onto the slides. My kids might be apprehensive with animals, but they have no fear in the height and speed department. This farm has tons of little slides that are geared for the kids. We didn't waste our time there. Nope. There is one gigantic slide at the edge of the farm that only the bravest go down. Ez and Ash love this slide. One time we were waiting at the top of the slide to speed down and a group of 8-10 year olds got too scared and backed out of going down. And then there is always a few 5-6 year olds that get to the top and start crying until someone agrees to walk back down the hill with them. Not my boys. They are fearless. Sometimes this can be a good thing, but sometimes this can be a really really really bad thing. They don't recognize imminent danger which is very very bad. But when it is time to ride slides it's a good thing! Here is proof that they love the big slide!
Did I mention that pink is his favorite color? |
Covering his ears because he hears an alpaca in the very faint distance |
I'm a little bit jealous of such wonderful pumpkin patches! I bet there could be some here like that...I just don't know about them. ;) Love how everyone is in their plaid shirts for fall! Love all the pics and video!